Two Runs Down!

So I’ve just completed Run 2 of Week 1 of the Couch to 5K and I’m feeling pretty good!

Once again I ran once I got home from work and before I had my evening meal.

At first I was feeling really tired when I got back and to be fair my partner was also feeling the same, just wanting to get tucked up in bed! But I was determined to go for a run and had really got myself motivated.

So I forced us both to go and it really felt good despite the freezing cold weather. There was also no Jelly Legs tonight after my run so that was great!

One thing I have been trying to do over the last couple of days is drink a lot more water.  Today I got through 3 of my 800ml at work, the only downside is that I’ve spent more time at the toilet today! Oh well I’ll be fine.

Anyway that’s 2 runs down and 1 to go this week, it’ll either be Saturday or Sunday but again I’m actually looking forward to it and still feeling really motivated. I’m certainly determined to run my belly off! 

Before I go, I was delighted to get a reply from my One You Couch to 5K Coach, Jo Whiley, on Twitter last night.

Thanks Jo for the motivation and keeping me going! Oh and the shins comment! 

Bring on the next run!

Now It Really Begins!

So after a month or so off everything due to illness and Christmas over indulgence. It’s time to really get things going! 

It’s only 99 Days until my wedding day and now the serious hard work begins.

I’ve just completed Week 1, Run 1 of the Couch to 5K programme.  I’m using the ‘One You’ app supported by BBC Inspired.

With this app you pick a coach from the choice of 4.  Sarah Milican, Michael Johnson, Jo Whiley and Sanjeev Kohli.

After much debate I’ve gone for Jo Whiley and began with my first run tonight!


I actually surprised myself a little! Even though it was really cold out there and I had a bit of a headwind to run into I managed to fight through.

So how do I feel after run 1? 

Well actually pretty good, I’m really glad I forced myself to get out there. I think that’s probably the biggest step. Now I’ve just got to make sure I keep it up! 

My legs feel a lot like jelly after the run but it’s actually a good feeling as it means they are doing some work! 

It’s a test day tomorrow before run number 2 on Thursday! 

You know what? I’m actually looking forward to it!